Jerry began serving at Crosspoint Ministries in January of 1984. Since that time, he has served as a High School, Middle School and Elementary teacher, Athletic Director, Principal, Assistant Pastor, Business Manager, Associate Pastor, and currently serves as the Senior Pastor.
Jerry has a Graduate of Theology diploma and a Bachelor of Pastoral Ministry and Bible degree from Baptist Bible College, a Bachelor of Education degree from Lincoln University, a Master of School Administration degree from the University of Maine and a Master of Counseling/Human Relations degree from Liberty University.
Pastor Mick has been involved in missions in the following countries: Albania, Tanzania, Zambia, Brazil, China, Nepal, Tibet, Cambodia, Philippines, Belize, Russia, Laos, Ghana, Egypt, Thailand, Haiti, and Vietnam doing mission work. He has served as Chairman of the Board, Interim Executive Director, and is currently the Director of Training for Outreach To Asia Nationals (OTAN) located in Winchester, VA. Their philosophy is very simple: Train the national to reach their own culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been involved with OTAN since 1998.
Jerry played four years of college baseball while attending Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO, gaining first team All-Conference honors all four years. He is the only athlete in the history of Lincoln University to be named on the first team All-Conference squad four consecutive years in a sport. He also is an avid tennis player and enjoys playing four to five times per week. He is a Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) certified professional tennis instructor and gives private lessons and conducts clinics.
Jerry is married to his lovely wife Jane who has an MBA from the University of Maine. Jerry and Jane have two adult children. Ryan is a Liberty University graduate and was married in August 2001 to his college sweetheart, Susan, also a Liberty graduate. They also have a daughter, Renee, who is a Palm Beach Atlantic University graduate, and she married her college sweetheart, Craig Wyatt, in December 2005, who also is a PBAU graduate. Jerry and Jane have three grandchildren: Westyn, Giana, and Capri.
Contact Pastor Jerry:
Crosspoint Church: jmick@crosspointbangor.com
OTAN: j.mick@otan.org